mercredi 9 janvier 2008

MK and Ashley Olsen Trend : Ripped Jeans

Sometimes you fell down on your knees and then there is a little hole in your jeans, don't worry and don't chuck away your jeans!! You have to make the hole bigger that you have long rips across your knees! Look how Mary-Kate and Ashley wear their ripped jeans. I think it looks great :) Well it's not chic, but it doesn't have to be chic all the time does it?

2 commentaires:

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Loooove ripped jeans!!! And of course they're not chic, but the can be great with a boho or maybe glam rock style!

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ripped jeans are the stupidest things ive ever seen. you pay more to have freyyed holes and tackiness in your jeans. makes zero sense.