mardi 19 février 2008

Pale Pink - Looking Like A Prima Ballerina

I really like this cute, feathery, delicate look of ballerinas and so I really like this pale pink dresses , that remind me a lot of ballerinas.
If you wear a dress like this , you don't need many accessories a simple necklace or nothing is enough. Black shoes are great , because they are a good contrast to the old rose.
I like it , but I guess nor everyone :) what about you?

13 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

I'm mildly afraid of donning a pink dress, but your post and these photos have kind of warmed me up to the idea...

frankie-lou and tallulah a dit…

i agree... they are very pretty... i like keira's and alexa's... very sweet.

Jen (MahaloFashion) a dit…

the ballerina look is in again!!

lara a dit…

linda, that's great as soon as i see something in the ballerina style I think I will buy it :)

hannah a dit…

i love it. i love the whole ballerina-esque look, wrap sweaters, flats...the list is endless.

great post


Monika a dit…

hey lara! wo warst du denn? *g*
Ich wollt dir nur sagen, wir haben 2 neue team-member. und ab jetzt bitte alle Posts zuerst als "Drafts" abspeichern - ich werd sie dann veröffentlichen - damit wir nicht durcheinanderkommen ;-)

bronwyn a dit…

I love the femininity of these dresses, and I'm mad about the Rodarte dress.

Héloïse J. a dit…

alexa's dress is totally enviable!!!

Rebecca, A Clothes Horse a dit…

This is making me like pale pink, but I fear for the return of black and pale pink--let's be adventurous people!

Anonyme a dit…

hmm although i abs loove ballerina's look ( ballet flats is evrything i wear these days)i just don't think i like this one...It almost looks like a costume, i mean it's like waaay to ballerina fro me! Oh and pink doesn't suit me at all!

Anonyme a dit…


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